How the interior restyling can restore rolling stock?

Soceb provides services of revamping and interior restyling to improve and renovate the furniture and the interior spaces in order to restore obsolete and damaged machines.
- Substitution of flooring and seats anchorage plates, application of naval rubber or certified resin for rail use.
- Substitution and clear up of panels, application of protective anti-graffiti coat or decorative anti-graffiti sticking film.
- Restoration of steps through realization and application of skid proof aluminium covering.
- Replacement of windows
- Application of films on windows with specific safety scratch resistant film
- Substitution or restoration of curtains
- Istallation of LED lighting technology
- Sanitisation of rooms and cleaning of furniture inside the coaches with professional ozone generator machines, essence diffusors and dry-cleaning devices
- Removal of graffiti from every kind of surface with Soceb’s poducts

LED lighting.
Soceb has been one of the first companies in Italy to test LED lighting on transport machines (train coaches, ships) and in civil areas (workshops, laboratories, offices, shops).
The experience in the civil and industrial lighting sector allows Soceb to develop LED lighting systems that match visual comfort and aesthetic with money saving.